Administration of Medicines
If your child is in need of medication whilst at the nursery you should discuss this with the Head of Centre. Nursery staff can only administer prescribed medicine. A form will need to be filled in which authorises nursery staff to administer the medicine. Nursery staff are not medically qualified. Should your child have a medical condition requiring treatment and monitoring e.g. epilepsy, asthma please notify a member of the management team so we can discuss a joint care plan. It is vitally important that you keep us up to date with any relevant changes.
Dental Health
The nursery is Smile Too accredited and provides curriculum activities relating to dental health. We encourage all parents to register their child at a local dentist. All children are provided with their own toothbrush which allows them to brush their teeth after snack.
If your child is absent due to illness, we appreciate if you could contact us to let us know by telephoning the nursery. If your child becomes ill while at nursery we will ensure they are as comfortable as possible whilst every attempt is made to contact you. Should the illness seem to be of serious nature, your child will be taken to The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and you will be advised to meet us there.
If your child has any symptoms of Covid-19 we ask that you keep them at home and seek advice from your GP. If your child is required to take a Covid-19 test we ask that you call the nursery to inform us and then again when you have received your result.
The main symptoms of coronavirus (Covid-19) are:
- a high temperature
- a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
- a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
The nursery has a qualified First Aider. All accidents that occur within the nursery will be recorded in the accident book and parents/carers are called and informed of accident. On arrival to collect their child you will be asked to sign accident form. If in the event of an accident, where your child requires medical attention we will endeavour to contact you, if this is unsuccessful we will make necessary arrangements to take your child to hospital (The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital).