It is expected that a responsible adult will bring and collect your child from nursery. In the interest of your child’s safety you should make a point of telling the Head of Establishment or staff members if someone different will be collecting your child. This avoids difficult situations when a child cannot be allowed to leave with an adult who is a stranger to staff. Tell staff, either in person or by telephone, who will be collecting your child. Please keep as close to hours as possible, as answering the door is time consuming unless most parents arrive at the same time.
Due to restrictions in place in relation to Covid-19 parent / carers will not be able to enter the building unless authorised by a member of the Management Team. Face coverings are required to be worn by both staff and parents on drop off and pick up of their child.
- On arrival parents and children within the 3-5 playrooms will line up using social distancing lines marked A and B. The children’s times have been staggered in order to maintain social distancing at our entrances as this is a public pathway and this help reduce congestion.
- A member of staff / management will greet the child at the front door and invite child into nursery.
- Staff member will sign child in and wash their hands after taking child into playroom.
- In the under 3 playrooms a member of staff will greet parent at their child’s playroom door. Parents will line up using social distancing lines provided and invite child into nursery. Child will be supported by member of staff to wash their hands.(If the ground to the under 3’s entrance is icy due to weather conditions a member of management will contact parents to advise them to use front entrance).
These changes will be kept under review.